Nepal Agriculture Cooperative Central Federation Ltd. (NACCFL)
Project: Sustainable Rural Employment Project
A number of Practical Partnership Pilots are receiving funding to develop new skills development models, based on employers’ needs. The partnership agreements are designed to encourage a closer working relationship between theory and practice. Learning how to develop and nurture these relationships for the benefit of all involved is a strong focus of the pilots.
Project: Sustainable Rural Employment Project
Project: Skill Development for Quality Tea Production
Project: Skill Development for Sustainable Employment
Project: Skilling Tourism Sector for Sustainable Employment Project
Project: Enhancing partnership-based demand led technical skills.
Project: Agro Self-Employment for Partnership (ASEP) Project
Project: Skills for Agro-Enterprise Project
The Skills for Agro Enterprise Project, will build the entrepreneurial and business abilities of young people working in farming in Mahotari, Rautahat, Sarlahi and Dhanusha districts. It will use the CTVET system to build skills in three key areas: production of off-season vegetables (riverbed vegetables), poultry and village animal health work (VAHW).
Project: Skill and Rewarding Employment Project
Project: Promoting market led technical and vocational skills for employment
Objective: Improving employability of unskilled and semi-skilled youths on agriculture, tourism, and construction