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 Project: Skill and Rewarding Employment Project

Objective: Enhancing skills and employability for young people within the construction sector through a semi-apprenticeship and employment model.

Sectors: Construction

The Skills and Rewarding Employment Project centres on building links between key stakeholders in the construction industry and helping young people from Sudur Paschim Province into paid employment or starting their own businesses through skilling, upskilling and reskilling.

The project promotes economic growth and business demand by helping those already in work to develop the skills that employers need most. It will improve the skills of low skilled workers, and reskill workers who are already semi-skilled but do not necessarily have the skills most in demand and that are needed to sustain their employment.

The project specifically aims to get more women and young people from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds into the sector. All trainees will additionally benefit from life skills courses which support their vocational learning by increasing knowledge of communications, health, hygiene and behaviour.


-       “I was highly motivated to get this information while practicing the painting job. The training was necessary for me. I took the three months training and learnt many building painting skills. Before, I used to look for jobs but now people come looking for me. This is the big change in my life.” Manuri Dhami, Trainee

Project funded by

  • European Union

Under the leadership of

in coordination with

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