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 Sustainable Rural Employment Project

Objective: Promote young people’s employment through market-relevant commercial farming and agro-industry skills training

Sector: Agriculture


The overall goal of Sustainable Rural Employment Project is to provide quality skill training efficiently and effectively. NACCFL will lead to implement the project and It will follow the strategy for reaching the potential youth through its member organizations network in targeting districts The objective of the project is to promote youth' employment through need-based skill trainings of commercial farming and agro-industry sectors focusing on group farming models and also create business opportunities to the graduates who opt for self-employments.


The farmers who are directly involved in vegetable farming, livestock raising, either cooperative member or non-member farmers will be the target group of the project for reskilling training whereas successor of the farmers (youth) who are involved in the family agriculture and one who want training on Community Livestock Assistant (CLA) and Community Agriculture Assistant (CAA) needs skilling new entrants.



-    "I started farming on only 2 tunnels. But its success made me realize that youths need to focus on agriculture rather than seeking jobs. The profits increased my will power to expand my farm which is now in area of 0.61 hectares  at Bajrabarahi and 1.98 hectares at Chitlang. After receiving this training, I will be legally certified to share my knowledge to other young farmers and motivate them..” Sashin Karmacharya, Trainee, aged 31



- "The involvement of local government in training inception events has led to commitment by the local representatives to provide practical support for the training. The ward chairperson of  Dakshinkali Municipality-6, of Kathmandu committed in the training initiation workshop to provide practical support for conducting both Community Agriculture Assistant and Community Livestock Assistant trainings in the laboratory of the Municipality.” Meena Pokhrel, Team Leader


To visit the project website click here 

Project funded by

  • European Union

Under the leadership of

in coordination with

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