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Dakchyata partnered with an international organisation - Fifty Shades Greener for the second time in two months to deliver two separate workshops for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) schools and private sector stakeholders in Nepal to help create a Greener TVET system and provide them with capacity building and learning tools. The workshops helped participants understand the importance of going green and how we can save energy and water and reduce waste production to protect our environment and the planet .

The workshops helped concerned officials understand that Green Economy lessens dangers to the environment and creates social equity while enhancing human well-being. The participants understood that an inclusive green economy is an alternative to today’s current dominant economic paradigm which exacerbates inequality, encourages waste, causes resource scarcities, and creates widespread hazards to the environment and public health.

The workshops produced series of resources for stakeholders to take forward in their greening efforts to discuss and implement on how to move forward with creating a Greener TVET system in the country. One of the most powerful outcomes from the two workshops is that the schools have now agreed to implement a sustainability program within their networks and the private sectors also acknowledged the need to implement Environmental Social Governance (ESG) within their own organisations.






Project funded by

  • European Union

Under the leadership of

in coordination with

Managed by