"Green economy agenda should be integral part of the TVET curriculum so that any student entering the system becomes naturally aware and hence, institutionalised", stated Mr. Anil Chitrakar, the presenter of the webinar titled, TVET as an Engine for Green Growth. This including other key points highlighting TVET's role in scaling green growth ambition were shared and discussed at the webinar held on 28 July 2021.
Participated by relevant TVET stakeholders, the webinar served as an important introduction to the general idea of green economy and how TVET can enable the Green growth agenda. Participants raised pertinent questions such as finding opportunities in relevant sectors and occupation to embed green growth skills.
The second part of the webinar focussed on emphasing how Dakchyata is supporting the transition to a green TVET by strengthening the capacity of 10 pilot projects to incorporate green component in their interventions. A copy of the slides here and a recording of the webinar can be found here.
A second webinar will follow once the project has extracted enough learning, success stories from the pilots. By sharing with partners and stakeholders through such webinar, the Dakchyata aims to support building a green roadmap and ensure the continual support in greening the economy.
The Dakchyata: TVET Practical Partnership project is a five-year programme (2017-2021) funded by the European Union and managed by the British Council, under the leadership of Nepal’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and delivered in coordination with the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training.