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Dakchyata Presentation at VET ToolBox

Dakchyata including its key TVET stakeholders in Nepal European Union Delegation (EUD), Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) , public and private training providers and private sector actively participated in the three day VET Toolbox seminar organised by the British Council in collaboration with VET Toolbox in Kathmandu from 11-13 Dec, 2019. The focus of the EU VET Toolbox South Asia Regional Seminar was on Private Sector Engagement in Skills Development demonstrated through various presentation and case studies from around the South Asian region to UK VET system.

The aims of the seminar was to share good practices, lessons learnt, issues and challenges on private sector engagement demonstrated through various projects from Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, Pakistan, India including Nepal focusing on private sector engagement in skills development.   

Dakchyata's presentation at VET ToolBox seminar

Dakchyata aptly utilised the seminar to showcase its work around private sector engagement that ranges vertically through collaboration with CTEVT and technical assistance to Ministry of Education, Science and Technology on various coordination and governance including  policy matters on TVET sector development and horizontally, through implementation of practical partnership grant funds (pilots), and how it cumulates into a Public Private Partnership Policy Guiding Document to be submitted to Government of Nepal through the PPP Working Group. The Working Group was received as the right approach and platform to provide continuous dialogue for both public and private sectors to provide common voice. It was well acknowledged by our stakeholders in government and private sector number of times during various discussions giving it the needed ownership among wider stakeholders. The experience sharing and reflections made by Dakchyata PPP working group members as Nepalese employer’s views added additional picture to the project.

Dakchyata's presentation at VET Toolbox Seminar

Likewise, Dakchyata's presentation on Private Sector investment studies was well received too - it demonstrated the large sharing of private training providers compared to public providers. The presentation was effective in giving the message - that government should understand and acknowledge the contributions and investments made by private sectors and, therefore provides scope for possible collaborations between two in the future. 

Dakchyata's presentation at VET ToolBox seminar

Finally, the seminar not only served as platform for learning and networking, and showcasing of Dakchyata’s work  but also provided a boost to Dakchyata as a project, demonstrating to its stakeholders in Nepal that the successes enjoyed by our project so far are no coincidence, but that we are seen as part of organisation that sits firmly alongside other big names as a trusted and credible player in TVET system of the country. 

More images from the seminar here:


Project funded by

  • European Union

Under the leadership of

in coordination with

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