Dakchyata organised a two-day "Communications Capacity Building Workshop" for the representatives from Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) and selected technical schools to provide a range of tools and techniques to support and improve communications for those institutions. Conceived principally for research and communications staff, the workshop offered a series of taster sessions to provide many of the key tools required to develop communications planning, on improving outreach, content development and dissemination.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) led one of the sessions on TVET promotion. Dr. Hari Lamsal, Joint Secretary, MOEST said, "It is important to improve enrolment of students but also equally essential to understand that there are several external factors that affects the interest and eventual intakes of students to TVET qualification. We need to understand and assess those factors as institutions and as public office holders. Moreover, it is even more important to facilitate access to institutions and schools that are in difficult geography through increased outreach and awareness".
Dakchyata: TVET Practical Partnership programme is a project funded by the European Union and implemented by the British Council and CTEVT to contribute to Nepal's inclusive and sustainable growth through investment in human capital and by creating better employment opportunities.